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Trust is a Beautiful Thing

Hey Family!!! How’s the new year? Hopefully you guys are well and dominating the 1st quarter!! I know I am!! This year has been great for me so far. I started a new job that I love, and I also got a new whip (aye)! However, the Lord taught me a valuable lesson about trust that I didn’t realize was a test until the results came in. I passed, finally! Want to know what happened? Let’s talk about it!

I was driving down the street in my old car, approximately 2 days before my new job started. Keep in mind that this job is about 20 miles from my home. Anyways, I was going to pick up my sister and my car started smoking and making this awful noise. I knew it was bad. At this point, transportation to my new job was a huge issue. Oh yeah, my money was super low too. I maybe had about $300 to my name…the whole name…lol…no savings (in fact, that $300 was my savings lol). My credit card was almost maxed. I didn’t want to ask people because it gave them a chance to be my hero and not God. I knew that God wouldn’t bring me this far to just let me fail so I started searching for new vehicles…with no money lol. Like, none at all. I found a dealership and, in my mind, a car for about 10k or less was suitable for me. It’s not like I was going to drive across the country. I just needed a little something to get me to and from work. I found a Honda that was newer than mine and it was about 9k. Win, right? Wrong. I happened to send the car to my Father and he called the place and spoke with the salesman. He then called me and said, “No”. World = shattered. Why can’t I buy this car? I need a ride to work. You aint taking me, fam. What am I supposed to do? Thank God for the snow where I could work from home a few days. I was literally paying around $25- $40 one way to work. As previously stated, I only had about $300 dollars lol. You do the math. It wouldn’t get me far, sis. Little did I know; my Dad was already working behind the scenes on my behalf. He runs his own business too so putting my business/emergency at the front of everything is huge. He found my car, sent it to me in a message on Facebook, called a bank, got a super low interest rate, and they were ready to loan me the money. Just like that, no pressure. My Dad also took me to Carmax, got the car shipped to the location, and made sure all my numbers were correct. All I had to do was show up and sign. Then the plot thickened, and my real test came. The bank started asking for all this information and it started to frustrate me. At this point, I’m over it. I had to call my brand-new job and ask for a pay check stub for a check I hadn’t even received yet…looking thirsty, but I had the check stub in a matter of minutes. I was supposed to turn my rental car in the following Monday. That Monday came, and I still had no car. I extended the rental, but I was frustrated. I was crying; I was over it. My Dad new this without me telling him. He called me and said, “Meet me at Carmax, we’re gonna get your car tonight”. How, sway? We do not have an approval from the bank! We got there and Carmax tried to sell me this car at 10.45% interest and in my head I was like nahhhh, no way! My Dad said, “Sign the papers, I’m going to make sure you never make this payment”. At this point, I was over my Dad too lol. He was a little bossy, but I had my step-mother who nurtured me when she saw me getting discouraged. Side bar: you need both parents. My Dad was just being a Dad as annoying as that was. Frustrated, but I followed directions. Long story short, the next day the bank called with an approval. I signed the paper work on my lunch and I got the lowest interest ever. Carmax aint making a coin off me! Not to mention, the ride is fly!

I walked out the bank and the Lord said, “Trust me, I’ll take care of you”. Is my Dad the hero? Well, yeah, but there was a bigger lesson I needed to learn. The triumph in this story is not that I got a nice car with barely any money. Anyone can get a new car…even with bad credit. The triumph is that I trusted in my natural Father who follows Christ (major key) …and my spiritual Father (who is Christ…another major key). In frustration and temptation, I followed orders. I absolutely thought about going behind my Dad’s back and buying that Honda that I desired lol. I probably would have been paying on that thing forever! I did not know that the car wasn’t inspected and could have been a lemon. The Honda was nice, but the Acura my Dad picked is nicer. He knew people in high places that I didn’t know! He made things move that I couldn’t move. Shout out to my Dad, PFrank! That’s a message on its own. God can do things and touch people that you can’t. Places you cannot regulate; He can. Therefore, it is important to follow him. I stayed committed and even though it got hard I trusted my Father. That’s all God requires of us. Let him direct your path. Proverbs 28:26 says, “Those who trust in themselves are fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe”. Seeking wise counsel (major key) benefitted me. Being obedient when it didn’t make sense put me in a winning position. Being obedient kept my finances together. Being obedient allowed me to get above and beyond what I was seeking. Obedience also brought an upgrade because what you think is fly is really not that fly in God’s eyes. He can always top your highest thoughts! Great thing he doesn’t think like me. Lastly, being obedient took my trust in the Lord to a higher place. Y’all, this thing was a blind walk for real, but any situation you encounter is only an event to develop your trust in the Lord and develop your character. Think about it, am I ready to walk in purpose if I get bent out of shape and fold about a vehicle. No! Seek wise counsel (that follows Christ), and let his word be a lamp and guide to your path (Psalm 119). Do not lean to your own understandings (Proverbs 3). If you ever find yourself offended, it usually stems from trust. You either trusted a person or a thing that failed you. Trials come, but such is life. There’s no way around it. Now, I feel like Elijah…sustained by God! Trust Him with your issues. He can handle them better than you can. I challenge you today to trust God with whatever it is that you’re battling and watch him get you that dub! They don’t want me, or you, to follow Christ, so let’s make sure we follow Christ! #DubNation #AllWeDoIsWin #DiscipleOrNah #DustYourShoulders

Jesus loves you, and so do I,


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