Deception and Delusion
Happy New Year! My topic today is on deception and delusion. The definition of deception is the idea of getting someone to accept information or ideas that are false as true or valid. Delusion is a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual facts. My argument today, then, is that deception and delusion are an integrated system. One idea cannot run without the presence of the other. The more that we allow ourselves to be deceived, the higher our state of delusion. I chose this topic today over several others because I believe that we live in a society of “magic.” We want everything to be magical. We want to manifest everything. We want everything to be easy. We want everything to embrace the spaces where we are most comfortable. We tell one another everything is in your mind, which is true, but we omit anything that would make us mentally tough. We do not grow the muscles around our mind by enduring hard things. Anything that gives us resistance is somehow “not meant to be” because it did not come with ease. We listen to so-called experts that repeat this idea on social media over and over again to further grow the magic community and optimize off of our weakness. Anyone that opposes the idea is met with “It doesn’t take all that to get where you want to be.” Yet, we don’t actually know where we want to be because we refuse to dig deeper and find the things that make us grow. It is difficult because we see all of the things that are possible through social media, and we have a small glimpse of others’ lives which somehow makes us perpetually dissatisfied with our own reality. I am here to tell you that it is both delusional and cancerous to think this way. Reality is the best place to ground yourself. The more you depend on your mind, the greater the possibility that you will live in a state of delusion. Our minds keep us safe. It shields of from reality and the only way that we can develop a strong mind that serves us is by doing hard things in reality; otherwise, we willingly choose this idea of “magic”. The idea of doing the work scares a lot of us because it means that we show up every day without excuses, despite how we feel. David Goggins has a book out called “Can’t Hurt Me” and it is a great book. In the book he describes the mind as a car with a governor. He talks about how the car cannot go past a certain speed due to the governor. This is what happens in our minds. We have a governor. To develop, we remove the governor. We are usually operating at 40% of our capacity which is not enough to experience evolution. However, we delude ourselves into thinking that the work we do is enough, even when it’s not. We give ourselves rewards and cookies for “trying” even when we do not execute. When we commit to something, we do not do half of it. We do not say we tried. We do not say “I only had 40% and that is what I gave so I gave 100%.” The delusion is killing our progress and it does not build self-confidence. Our state of mind and the things we can endure is parallel to our self-esteem. It is evidence that we are who we say we are. But we will dig into self-esteem next week. This week, do the work. All of it. Consistently. Stop listening to the noise online. Stop listening to people telling you that not executing is ok and stop listening to people that applaud you when you miss the mark on the grounds of “trying.” Get grounded with reality and do the work. Don’t tell yourself anything different. If you fail, start over. Be consistent and persistent.