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Hi Guys,

The notion of rejection has been weighing heavily on me lately. I want to discuss it with you all. I do not understand how something so intangible is so powerful. It can completely ruin us. It is very encompassing. How does it make you feel? Personally, it bothers me. It makes me uncomfortable. It makes me feel teary-eyed. It makes me upset. It makes me feel unloved and unworthy. I have also noticed some traits that it produces in all of us. It makes us do the most for people who are not moved by our presence. It makes us stretch ourselves thinner than relaxed hair. It makes us stress. It haunts us. It creeps in on us when the room gets quiet. It rushes in on our thoughts. It makes us walk on eggshells and neglect our own needs so that we do not have to feel the pain of someone not wanting us. It is painful. It is very hard to overcome. I was driving home the other day and started to have one of those moments and I realized it was all in my head – perspective. As a Christian, I always try to see how the bible relates to my current situation. I stopped finding scriptures to make me feel good and started looking at the patterns and movements of powerful people in the bible, especially Jesus. As I thought about a series of events that happened in the life of Jesus, two words came to mind – “whosoever will”. Guys, it is really that simple. Jesus was rejected A LOT. There were multitudes of people that did not want his assistance, but he focused on the ones who did. He walked with 12 disciples and they changed the world. They were not just 12 regular people. They were 12 people that believed in who he said he was. 12 people that believed in his mission. 12 people that loved him deeply. 12 people that understood him. 12 people he could rely on. This is the type of community we should desire. Who are these people in your life? I believe that every morning we wake up we are graced with the opportunity to choose who and what we want. Often, notions like rejection that stem from our trauma cause us not to choose who and what is best for us. However, this comes from an unhealthy view of ourselves. We must all understand that we are created in the image of God – the creator of everything. That is a big deal! We are a big deal! The right people and places will be blessed by our presence. Think about it. The people who benefited from Jesus willingly sought him out. The woman with the issue of blood chased him to touch his garment. Lazarus’s family sent for him. The paralytic agreed when Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed. He healed the blind man. He cast out demons. These were willing parties. Let people who favor you receive your favor. Do not chase people, places, or things. Things that do not fit in our puzzle are not meant for us. This also goes for jobs, churches, and friendships. Place your favor where you are favored. We are all favored in some way. Our gifts can only make room for us if people see them as gifts. Everyone will not think we are special, but in the right space your aura, gifts, talents, and everything that makes us unique will flourish and bless everything we meet. This week, let us tally up on our lives and if the feeling of rejection comes up, we can simply adopt the concept of “whosoever will” so that we can spend our lives impacting people, places, and things the way God intended us to. I am taking my sneakers off. I am going to look at people who want to leave just as Jesus did the rich young ruler. The right people cannot wait for our favor. We are a big deal. Let us choose to be a big deal every day for as long as we live. Do not be afraid to walk away from things that no longer serve who you are. All things work together for the good. Trust God.

Te quiero mucho (I Love You So Much),



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