The Power of Belief
What do you believe? About anything. About everything. This isn't just a question I'm asking in terms of religion or love as these two topics pervade society. What do you actually believe about who you are, why you've been placed on this earth, what you can achieve and what type of life is waiting for you? Every year, around my birthday, I think of a theme to guide me throughout my year. As previously stated, this isn't going to be Christian centered, but I happen to be one and read my bible lol so it's going to come out some way. This year, I wanted to focus on believing. In my study time, I happened to come across Luke 1:45 which states, "Blessed is she who BELIEVED the Lord will fulfill his promises to her". I fell in love with the scripture, wrote it down, put it on my refrigerator attached to a personal goal of mine. I read it everyday until I asked myself what it truly means to believe in something. Its not the typical "Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, or Tooth Fairy extremes. Belief is far more complex than that. To believe somethings is to let that belief govern your behaviors. So, I started to think about what I believed in and juxtaposed it with my daily behaviors. What I found is that I actually didn't believe in anything wholeheartedly. Yes, nothing! My behaviors told me that I was overwhelmed with fear. Shackled by people and approval in every area. Yes, these things can spill over into all areas of your life if you operate from this space. Fear ruled my faith as most churches teach and force the idea that God blesses you for obedience, when the truth is that God blesses you because he wants to. He's a good, good father and there is nothing I can do to ever deserve His goodness. Not a tithe, not an offering, not consistency at church, not worshipping your pastor, and certainly not enduring abuse from spiritual shepherds or church folk. Fear ruled my career as it seemed as though I would only apply to certain jobs with a somewhat low pay when I really deserved more. Feeling inferior because I never received a promotion, but the promotion was in my mind. I promoted myself right on out of the company. Fear ruled my relationships as I tended to over perform to be "chosen". After years of being single and a great resume to show how great of a woman I am, I don't need to be chosen. I choose liberty. I choose peace. I choose growth. I choose to get out of cycles. I choose to have boundaries. I choose keep my femininity. I choose to be healthy mentally, spiritually, physically and relationally. I choose to have healthy relationships where fruit is produced. Fear caused me not to write as often with my blog, afraid that no one cares what I have to say. Honestly, at this point its do or die. I choose to be a doer.
Although an idea, Fear can cause us to behave contrary to what we we say we believe in. I was watching a Tom Bilyeu interview and he said, "Your behaviors follow your beliefs. You behaviors are all that matter in life. Therefore, ultimately, your beliefs are all that matter". This was after God gave me this idea to write on belief. Mind blown. How do we shape our behaviors to line up with our beliefs? I had to have an honest conversation with myself. Get still. Recognize that the state of my life, and its future if I continued this course, is based on my behavioral patterns. I had to be honest about my failures and where I come up short. I had to finally say I need help. I had to pay for an inner circle with a psychotherapist that helps retrain your mind and get to the root of what kept me in toxic cycles. New people, same cycles. I had to be honest with what I want out of life and stand on it. Nothing is too big or unimaginable. I had to write down my goals and the discourse to make that goal happen. In other word, write down the behaviors that will get me to that goal. We were not created to settle. We were created to thrive. What we believe should be able to shine through when others connect with us. We are not powerless individuals waiting on a mystical force to come and give you more or save you. Figure out what you believe and behave that way. No matter what other people say or think. You have to wake up to yourself every morning. Married or single, when you go to the mirror, you see you. Let's take control of our lives and operate from the power God has already given us. There is no one else coming to save you.
As always,
I love y'all