The Ultimate Approach to Accomplishing Goals

Let me just start by saying I do not have all the answers. We are working together to become the greatest version of ourselves. I saw an amazing clip on potential the other day. David Goggins said what if I rested in my comfortability and then when I died, I saw what God actually had in store for me? What if I stayed 300 pounds while being a cock roach terminator? What if God’s plan for me was to be 182 pounds, a Navy Seal, a Motivational Speaker and a big influence on the world, but I missed it because I was too afraid to be uncomfortable? There was the answer, it really is that simple. Everything we should be is outside of our comfort zone. That is not to say that everyone should be extraordinary. That is not realistic. What I am saying is that we all have another level. We all have higher mountains to climb. We all have a purpose. It is up to us if we reach it. So, how do we reach our goals? Simply, one day at a time. Some concepts are simple, but difficult to execute. Therefore, I am going to explain how we can achieve our goals without feeling overwhelmed. We must train our minds. Controlling our minds is difficult, but possible. In Will Smith’s book titled “Will” he explains the concept of goals by telling a story about him and his younger brother, Harry, having to build a brick wall when they were children. It was an insurmountable task and as he and his younger brother complained, his father stated, “Stop thinking about the damn wall! There is no wall. There are only bricks. Your job is to lay this brick perfectly. Then move on to the next brick. Then lay that brick perfectly. Then the next one. Don’t be worrying about no wall. Your only concern is what brick.” This came to be a transformative idea for Will Smith that translated across his personal life as well as his career and I will admit that reading and digesting the concept helped me on my journey. I recently finished Shaun T’s Insanity program for the second time. It was daunting but instead of thinking about finishing the program, I just told myself that today I have a workout. I showed up every day for the workout no matter what. I showed up tired. I showed up rejected. I showed up emotional. I showed up angry. I showed up unmotivated. I showed up fearful. I showed up not even knowing if I would be able to complete it. But I showed up. I was more excited to complete the workouts planned for the day than finishing the program because training myself to show up helped me build confidence in myself. We become what we think about. What we consistently think on grows and what we starve eventually dies. Therefore, we should immerse ourselves into the person we want to be and starve ourselves of the habits that lead to us living undisciplined lives. The best route to get to our goals is by mastering the small, tedious, repetitive tasks. Showing up no matter what because there is work to be done despite how you feel. Showing up helps us master our emotions. Emotions derive from the root word, emote. It means to stir up. When we allow how we feel to dictate what we do then we are not managing our emotions well thus infringing upon what will make us better. Will Smith states, “And the secret to my success is as boring as it is unsurprising: You show up and you lay another brick. Pissed off? Lay another brick. Bad opening weekend? Lay another brick. Marriage failing? Lay another brick. No matter what you’re going through, there is always another brick sitting right there in front of you, waiting to be laid.” Such is the process. Break down the goal into small pieces where we focus solely on what is in front of us and we work on it every day, no matter what. If we do this every day, we will be significantly better than we thought we would be in a few months. In a year’s time, we will be savages. We are going to do this together. One day, one week, one month, one year at a time. We trust patience and process. It takes discipline which is the perfect transition into next week’s blog. See you then!